Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dental Hygiene Summer Week July 2009 UT MEM MDH

When my mother began demonstrating signs of Alzheimer’s disease, I felt that a tremendous change was on my horizon. Not just for Mother, but my direction as well. On July 13, 2009, I found my way to a building in Memphis where I sat with twelve strangers, listening to some very wise people speak about the fine art of education, in particular, the education of dental hygiene students. “What am I doing here?” I asked myself as I glanced around the room observing and listening to beginning and seasoned instructors that are now students, too.

According to Dr. Kathleen King, I am taking part in a transformative, circuitous journey. A journey that began when I witnessed my mother decrease in her capabilities while she became reliant upon the effort of others for her basic care. I hope to take this awareness of my mother’s journey and, by transforming myself, become a person that will help others learn so that they and others will not face the changes my mother has before her. I have found Dr Williams, Dr Ballard, Deborah Spence and all the others in the UT Allied Health program to be the strong fabulous people I suspected they would be. I am excited to be on this journey and I am thrilled with my co-travelers. I stand in awe of the classmates and instructors I have met. To have this opportunity to meet in person has enhanced this experience, a rare opportunity with distance learning.

Since that awkward morning four days ago, I have shared experiences, laughed, meals, stories and fun times. At Graceland the group was frequently seen texting. My point is this, as I have my direction and my goals and needs seem clear, my plan is drafted and, while always remembering to be flexible, I WILL ENJOY THIS JOURNEY. Thank you all for the opportunity.


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