Thursday, July 16, 2009


My reflections of this week run the gamut from sheer exhilaration to utter horror. I am excited at the prospect of learning the “hows and whys” of becoming a dental hygiene educator. However, I shutter to think that I can even come close to “filling the shoes” of any seasoned hygiene educator adequately. On one hand, I have been reassured by the stories from other students that my brief experiences as a dental hygiene educator are not uncommon. On the other, I have come to realize that there are countless components to a dental hygiene educator and that I have only experienced two. Panic has set in – am I up for this?
Dr. Ballard’s lecture on learning strategies really opened my eyes to the ‘generation’ of students I will be teaching. For the past three semesters I have grumbled about the very characteristics that are the precise definition of the ‘Millennials.’ In short, I realized I need to quit complaining and learn how to educate this generation.
The clinical activity on Thursday was a great experience. Trading stories, tips and techniques with the other students and the graduate instructor was invaluable. I couldn’t take notes fast enough. I wish I had had a tape recorder! Ms. Morgan was awesome with her comments on my ‘student correction technique’. She was very nice and pointed out that my straight forward “that’s wrong” approach is not the best way to approach a student in a clinical setting. She proceeded to suggest a more fitting way of correcting a student. It was a great ‘A-HA’ moment for me as a student trying to become an educator.In closing all I can say is I am honored to be a part of this graduate program. I am surrounded by remarkable fellow students and outstanding graduate faculty. I am humbled to be considered a part of this experience.

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